Bath-WIMCS Analysis Day, Cardiff, 2015

25th September 2015

| Speakers | Accommodation | Travel | Timetable |


This one-day meeting will start at 09:30 on Friday 25th of September 2015. The scientific programme will end by 17:15. The meeting is funded by the London Mathematical Society and by the departments/schools of mathematics in Aberyswyth, Bath, Cardiff and Swansea. It is part of an annual programme of four meetings.

Registration Registration is free.

Please send us an email with the subject 'Bath-WIMCS Analysis Day' by Friday 11th of September 2015 to register. Please include the following in the body of your email:
  • your name and affiliation;
  • any special dietary requirements;
  • state whether or not you will attend the conference dinner.
Dinner will be in Valentino's Restaurant which is half-way between the Mathematics Building and Cardiff Central railway station. For members of the participating departments, and invited speakers, the cost of dinner will be covered.


| Speakers | Accommodation | Travel | Timetable |


The following have agreed to speak:

  1. J. Ben-Artzi (Imperial College London)
  2. R. Douglas (Aberystwyth)
  3. D. Finkelshtein (Swansea)
  4. M. Ghimenti (Pisa, visiting Swansea)
  5. J. Kristensen (Oxford, TBC)
  6. K. Matthies (Bath)
  7. A. Mughal (Aberystwyth)


| Speakers | Accommodation | Travel | Timetable |

If you need accommodation, please book a hotel well in advance. Cardiff is a tourist destination and hotels can fill up. Two large hotels very close to the School of Mathematics are:

  1. Hilton, 1 Kingsway, Cardiff CF10 3HH, tel: +44 (0)29 2064 6300; web:
  2. Parc Hotel, Park Place, Cardiff, CF10 3UD, tel: +44 (0)871 376 9011; email:

There are many other hotels online, including a number of Bed and Breakfast guesthouses in Cathedral Road, approximately 30 minutes' walk from the School.


| Speakers | Accommodation | Travel | Timetable |

Click here for travel directions. The School of Mathematics is at 21-23 Senghennydd Road and is 200m south of Cathays railway station. It takes 20-25 minutes to walk to the School from Cardiff Central railway station.

The School of Mathematics is building 42 on this map.


| Speakers | Accommodation | Travel | Timetable |

  • Registration will take place in room M/1.04 of the Mathematics Building.
  • All talks will take place in room M/1.02 of the Mathematics Building.
  • Lunch and coffee will be in room M/1.04 of the Mathematics Buidling.